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Michigan Tech Football: The First 100 Years

William J Sproule With Calvin Larson
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Michigan Tech Football: The First 100 Years

Product Description

MICHIGAN TECH FOOTBALL: THE FIRST 100 YEARS BY WILLIAM J. SPROULE WITH CALVIN LARSON. Foreword by Joe Berger. Football is a special part of Michigan Tech history. Michigan Mining School students played local high school and community teams in the 1890s, but it was not until 1920 that a club team played another college when it scheduled two games agains Northern State Normal (now Northern Michigan University). That season marked the start of intercollegiate football, and then prior to the 1924 season, football was "officially" recognized as a varsity sport. The book explores Tech football history, teams, coaches, players, awards, and records, and will bring back many memories of Husky football. 146 Pages. Softcover. Book dimensions: 10" x 8". Copyright 2022 by William J. Sproule. Printed by Copper Island Printing, Calumet, Michigan, USA.