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Michigan Tech Hockey: 100 Years Of Memories

William J Sproule With Calvin Larson
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Michigan Tech Hockey: 100 Years Of Memories

Product Description

MICHIGAN TECH HOCKEY: 100 YEARS OF MEMORIES BOOK BY WILLIAM J. SPROULE WITH CALVIN LARSON. Foreword by Mike Zuke. The book explores the 100 years of Michigan Tech hockey that have created many memories for teams, players, coaches, students, alumni, and the community who have followed the Huskies. Summaries of each year and information on teams, coaches, players, awards, arenas, the Great Lakes Invitational, Winter Carnival, and the fans are included. Relive your passion and excitement for one of college hockey's most historic programs. 310 Pages. Softcover. Book dimensions: 8-1/2" x 11". Copyright 2021 by William J. Sproule. Printed by Copper Island Printing, Calumet, Michigan, USA.